
aku nak kau la gila. please :(

hey guys. mintak maaf lama tak dapat update blog. masa ni kalau makin lambat boleh je menghadap benda ni tapi makin cepat. aku menghilang pun survey barang-barang ni. Jealous jugak tengok orang pakai. nak jugak merasa di badan. FUCK! aku nak kau la sial. tolong datang dalam hidup aku. pleassssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee. 

                                                    San Francisco Giants Low Crown Performance Cap 59FIFTY


VANS ERA AUTHENTIC Suicidal Tendencies



oh my dearest wishlist. i hope one day i can get both of you. you`re so awesome and make me addicted to you. haih.


Four Year Strong and Set Your Goals

Guys , i really addicted to your songs and the most i like it that i heard you`re coming to singapore. i wish i can watch you performing but i can SHIT! . im so jealous with that. any free ticket please? HAHAHA.

                                                                         Favourite song ?


Anyone sing along? 

Stand down
Manifesting a destiny
of unavoidable doom
Black wolves are gnashing at our heels
Fangs of accountability
all unforeseen or intentionally neglected?

The degradation of a home
Humanity sits on its throne
Cover your eyes and ears and know
we can't escape the consequence

And now the rising of septic tides as refuse litters the Pacific Gyre
We continue to drown the ocean in its own waters
Stand down, Stand down
Time's out now
Kill like we know how
Killing like we're allowed!

The degradation of a home
Humanity is so lost
Cover your eyes and ears and know (without remorse)
we can't escape the consequence

And everything's ending..

Make way
A failed culture makes its mark existing only to destroy what came first
With no regard for creation, men play God, drop unstoppable bombs
All institutions are wrong, but none of them will ever stop!

Make way for man, Make way for man, Make way for man, Make way for man
Bombs away, Bombs away, Bombs Away

Now turn the other cheek and pretend
Full speed to hatred forcing life against its will
Full speed รข€˜til we're dead, We can't escape the consequence

we can't escape the consequence
Bombs Away
The degradation of a home
Bombs Away
Humanity sits on its throne
Bombs Away
Cover your eyes and ears and know
Bombs Away
we can't escape the consequence..





LOVE is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment . In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection .


5 secret of seduction to help you show your partner how much you truly love them:

1. Flirt

This is a light-hearted seduction with the intent of conveying love! Why not send a sexy text message or email while you are at work? This reminds the other person that you are thinking about him or her. It also increases the intensity of love so that you actually look forward to seeing each other when you return home from work.

2. Candles

According to Feng Shui, the seduction candle is red and the ingredients are musk, patchouli, pine, cedar and juniper. This secret of seduction can put back the romance in your relationships. Why not fill your room with scented candles and turn off the lights just to relax in each others arms? The extra effort goes a very long way!

3. Food

It is said that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach," however this is also thought to be the secret of successful seduction of women too. show your love by setting up a surprise dinner for two. Add flowers, soft music and incense to create a seductive love nest. Aphrodisiac foods such as oysters, chili, chocolate, figs, honey and walnuts are said to aid in the stimulation of your loved ones hormones.

4. Love Letters and Poems

Why not leave a love note for your loved one? This can be posted in the bathroom or kitchen before you leave to work. You could also leave a nice love poem under the pillow so that your partner finds this at night before bedtime or first thing in the morning. Or send a hand written love letter to their work address. This will stir up the feeling of love in the privacy of your bedroom as well as in your relationship. Inspiration can be taken from music or love poem books.

5. Get Away

There can be a lot of distractions in your relationship such as work or children. There are many short vacations available for the weekend or just for a day. You may arrange a trip to the Health Spa or a Hotel so that you are in a different environment than usual where you can both relax and concentrate on each other.

Using the five techniques above to show your significant other just how much you truly love them will certainly spice up your love life, strengthen your relationship, and keep you and your partner happy for years to come!

               IM A SECRET LOVER OKAY BOY?

Come into my heart dear one,
Fill it with the warmth of your love,
Brighten my days with your sunny smile,
And fill my nights with unbridled passion.
Lay with me under the starry skies,
Whispering into my ear,
Those sweet words of love,
That only we two understand,
Gently caress my trembling body,
With deliberate, knowing hands,
And cover my mouth with passionate kisses,
That draw the very soul from my body.
I live to be near you,
To feel your gentleness.
My world begins and ends in your arms.
You give me such unbelievable joy and bliss.
My heart, my wonderful, but secret lover

Seorang remaja bernama MARCELLA MIA
HAHAHA. berat hati jugak aku nak taip benda ni. tapi dia cakap ` you taip jela. ini blog you okay`. so aku berani kan jela. mengada you kan. haih. but thanks give me spirit love. so , menceritakan gadis FILIPINA ini. perghh! pfttt. merepek dah aku. Dia ni baik hati , tinggi lebih kurang Ikhwan AL - Muslimin je aku rasa. Harap betul la kan and dia ni sangat rare? tang mana tu. tanya dia okay. aku kenal dia pun macam tu je mula-mula. tapi lama-lama tak sangka this girl dalam diam keep his feeling. betul ke? HAHAHAHA. perkenalan di medan OC ketika MBF EP Lauching kemudian di RTW 9 . akhirnya menjumpai satu jalan akhir iaitu satu perasaan. apa dia ? kau tengok title la. okay boy? so , pada tarikh 5.5.2010 pertalian disambung dengan satu perhubungan bernama COUPLE. woahh. kau dah pandai kan sekarang kan. haih kau ni. so ni la gambar tajuk cerita ni. 

i love you boymia <3

So , pray for us in our relationship . Thanks mate :)


Aku nak cakap eh? tak tahu la pulak. otak tak ada idea.Aku bedal jela nak cakap apa. Kadang - kadang hidup ni orang cakap adil , tak adil pun ada. tak tahu mana nak realise. Tetapi percaya la tuhan sudah tentukan semua. kita hanya boleh merancang. please god , give me a strength to face this world . im not so fucking good enough to go through out of this world. So i need you all to have this with me. Keluarga , Kawan , Saudara sekalian. to be continued.....
p/ s : ayat aku tak tahu macam apa. tapi tak kesah la. bedal je. :)